EOI for Implementing Agency of SFURTI Scheme

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Inviting Expression of Interest for Implementing Agencies for implementation of SFURTI clusters for the year 2022

Applications are invited in the form of EOI for Implementing Agencies for implementation of SFURTI clusters. Implementing Agencies (IAs) would be non-Government organizations (NGOs), institutions of the Central and State Governments and semi-Government institutions, field functionaries of State and Central Govt., Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs), etc. with suitable expertise to undertake cluster development. One IA will be assigned for only one cluster normally (unless it is an agency with State-wide coverage). However, in case IA proposes to set up more clusters, NA to assess properly IA for its capability to set up additional cluster(s). The selection of IAs, based on their regional reputation and experience of working at the grass-roots level, will be done by the Nodal Agency (NA), on the basis of transparent criteria.

Private sector participation shall also be encouraged for the implementation of the cluster projects. Corporate entities can also take up projects directly by forming cluster-specific SPVs.

Corporates and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) foundations with expertise in cluster development will be encouraged to participate as IAs. In the case where a private sector entity is the IA, it shall contribute at least 50% of the total project cost excluding the cost of land.

Interest IAs may visit to download the guidelines in https://sfurti.msme.gov.in/SFURTI/Home.aspx 


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