Yarn on Wheels

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YARN ON WHEELS (Har Ghar Dhaga) initiative, in collaboration with weavers in Rowta (Udalguri), has significantly impacted the local weaving community. Previously reliant on private proprietors for their yarn supply, weavers found themselves burdened by higher rates. However, with the introduction of NEHHDC's offerings, they now have access to more affordable yarn directly at their doorstep. This shift has brought immense satisfaction to the weavers, who plan to exclusively purchase from NEHHDC in the future, appreciating the convenience and cost-effectiveness it provides.

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Corporate Office
North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(A Government of India Enterprise)
NEHHDC, Craft Promotion Center,
Garchuk, Pamohi Road,Guwahati-781035

Registered Office
C/O Purbashree Emporium
NEHHDC Ltd., Police Bazar
Shillong -793001 (Meghalaya)
Phone & Fax- 0364-2224477

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