Tejaswini Assam Ideathon 2204 Pitching Round Day 3

Tejaswini Assam Ideathon 2024 Pitching Round Day 3: 17th July 2024 On the third day of the Tejaswini Assam Ideathon 2024 pitching round, we welcomed approximately 60 participants presenting innovative ideas across various sectors, including handloom production solutions and agri-food products. The participants represented a wide spectrum of entrepreneurial stages. Some were micro-level entrepreneurs with creative concepts requiring guidance and support, while others were well-established entrepreneurs seeking marketing assistance. Tejaswini's tagline, "Empowering Women, Igniting Innovation," truly encapsulates the spirit of the event. Tomorrow marks the final day of the pitching round for the Kamrup district. Participants who were unable to attend earlier have been invited to present their ideas on this concluding day.