Tejaswini Assam Ideathon 2204 Pitching Round Day 2

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Tejaswini Assam Ideathon 2204 Pitching Round Day 2: 16th July, 2024: The second day of pitching in Zone 1 for the Tejaswini Assam Ideathon 2024 showcased an impressive array of ideas from existing women entrepreneurs. These participants sought mentorship support in various areas, including design intervention, market linkages, and legal and financial expertise. The day's highlights were particularly notable for their diversity and innovation. Several entrepreneurs presented cutting-edge AI technology ideas that promise to revolutionize their respective fields. Others focused on wellness, with unique offerings in aromatherapy and naturopathy. Sustainability was also a key theme, with entrepreneurs presenting eco-friendly products for women's hygiene. Additionally, some participants introduced creative uses for temple flowers, transforming them into soaps and incense. The variety and creativity of the ideas presented underscored the entrepreneurial spirit and potential of the women in Assam.

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