Swacchata Pakwada Campaign

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पूर्वोत्तर हस्तशिल्प एवं हस्तकरघा विकास निगम लिमिटेड
North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd Garchuk, GUWAHATI – 781 035.

Swacchata Pakwada Campaign, Corporate Office, Garchuk

The Swacchata Pakwada campaign held in the NEHHDC premises from 18.05.2022 to 26.05.2022 , a cleanliness initiative with the objective of bringing a fortnight of intense focus on practices of Swacchata. 
There were a number of sessions held during the duration of the campaign, starting with a pledge taking ceremony on the 18th of May 2022 and followed by sessions held each day on topics like waste management, segregation of waste so that there is no any threat to our surrounding environment. The concept of eco-bricking and bio enzymes were taught in a very informative and interactive manner. There were also fun sessions like natural soap making from all natural ingredients and accessories making with minimal products. 
The last day of the campaign was inauguration day for separate collective bins in the premises with the aim of making NEHHDC a zero waste campus and continuing it to the future.

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Corporate Office
North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(A Government of India Enterprise)
NEHHDC, Craft Promotion Center,
Garchuk, Pamohi Road,Guwahati-781035

Registered Office
C/O Purbashree Emporium
NEHHDC Ltd., Police Bazar
Shillong -793001 (Meghalaya)
Phone & Fax- 0364-2224477

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