New skill development training centre 'PURBAGYANAM' in Guwahati

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As part of the ongoing Azadi Ka Amrit Mahautsav, NEHHDC under the mentorship & guidence of Ministry of DoNER on 31.1.2022 dedicated it's new skill development training centre 'PURBAGYANAM' in Guwahati, to the youth of North East Region.

It is indeed a momentous occasion for the Corporation as it joins the national effort of skilling India.

NEHHDC will conduct skill development programs based on the present day industry requirement and also those which would empower the youth to be future ready.

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Corporate Office
North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(A Government of India Enterprise)
NEHHDC, Craft Promotion Center,
Garchuk, Pamohi Road,Guwahati-781035

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C/O Purbashree Emporium
NEHHDC Ltd., Police Bazar
Shillong -793001 (Meghalaya)
Phone & Fax- 0364-2224477

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