Key officials of NEC's official visit at NEHHDC's Craft Promotion Center

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पूर्वोत्तर हस्तशिल्प एवं हस्तकरघा विकास निगम लिमिटेड
North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(भारत सरकार का उद्यम)
(A Government of India Enterprise)

Shri K. Moses Chalai, IAS, Secretary, NEC, Shri C.H. Kharshiing, IA & AS, Planning Adviser and Shri Gaigongdin Panmei, IRS, Financial Adviser and other key officials of NEC's official visit  at NEHHDC's Craft Promotion Center, Garchuk Guwahati-35 on 29th November 2021, regarding progress & implementation of NEC funded schemes and discussion on present status of NEHHDC


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North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(A Government of India Enterprise)
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