Farewell to Brigadier Rajiv Kumar Singh, 14th Managing Director of NEHHDC

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With deep gratitude and respect, we bid farewell to Brigadier Rajiv Kumar Singh, the 14th Managing Director of North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation (NEHHDC). Under his visionary leadership, NEHHDC has made remarkable strides in promoting the rich cultural heritage, handlooms, and handicrafts of Northeast India.

Brigadier sir’s unwavering commitment, strategic vision, and dynamic approach have played a pivotal role in expanding opportunities for artisans and weavers, strengthening the organization’s reach, and enhancing the visibility of the region’s craftsmanship on national and international platforms. His leadership has not only brought innovation and growth but has also inspired us all to strive for excellence.

As he embarks on his next journey, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for his invaluable contributions and wish him great success in all his future endeavors.

Thank you, Sir, for your service and dedication to NEHHDC and the artisans of Northeast India. Your legacy will continue to inspire us.

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Corporate Office
North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(A Government of India Enterprise)
NEHHDC, Craft Promotion Center,
Garchuk, Pamohi Road,Guwahati-781035

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C/O Purbashree Emporium
NEHHDC Ltd., Police Bazar
Shillong -793001 (Meghalaya)
Phone & Fax- 0364-2224477

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