Empowering Weavers: A Transformative Exposure Visit by EDII to North Eastern Handicrafts & Handloom Development Corporation

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On 9th January 2025, under the "Revitalizing Innovation for Sustainable Enterprises (RISE)" project implemented by EDII in Kamrup district with support from IDBI Bank, a group of 25 trained weavers and 2 facilitators had the opportunity to visit the North Eastern Handicrafts & Handloom Development Corporation Ltd. This exposure visit was organized to broaden the participants' understanding of advanced textile manufacturing processes and operational practices, especially after their training in Jacquard Machine operations.

The visit was a resounding success, offering the weavers a comprehensive view of how modern handloom and handicraft production is integrated with traditional techniques to create innovative and high-quality products. A representative from the Corporation provided an engaging overview of their processes, from design development to production and quality assurance. The participants were given a detailed tour of the facility, witnessing firsthand the advanced techniques and technologies employed in the industry.

This interaction not only enriched the participants' technical knowledge but also inspired them to adopt innovative methods in their own work, fostering entrepreneurial spirit and confidence. The visit left a lasting impact on the weavers, reinforcing their commitment to leveraging their skills and contributing to the growth of the handloom industry in the region. It was a significant step in their journey towards becoming successful entrepreneurs and ambassadors of sustainable enterprise.

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North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
(A Government of India Enterprise)
NEHHDC, Craft Promotion Center,
Garchuk, Pamohi Road,Guwahati-781035

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C/O Purbashree Emporium
NEHHDC Ltd., Police Bazar
Shillong -793001 (Meghalaya)
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