Exploring Northeast India's Craft Heritage: Pearl Academy Students Visit NEHHDC

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Students from Delhi and Jaipur, facilitated by Pearl Academy, visited the North Eastern Handicrafts and Handloom Development Corporation (NEHHDC) as part of the Nurturing Traditions, Crafting Tomorrow initiative. During their visit, they explored various key facilities, including the Textile Testing Lab, where they learned about quality assessment and fabric durability, and the Handloom Unit, where they witnessed traditional weaving techniques firsthand. They also visited the Center of Excellence, gaining insights into innovative design interventions that blend tradition with modernity. Additionally, the students explored the Museum-cum-Showroom, which showcased a diverse collection of handcrafted textiles, artifacts, and indigenous products, offering them a deeper appreciation of Northeast India's rich craft heritage. This immersive experience helped them understand the significance of preserving and promoting traditional craftsmanship in contemporary design.

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North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd
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